Friday, September 13, 2013

All Good Things Must Come to an End

It is a common theme for folks to be sad to see the summer holiday drift into a new school year.  I am no exception.  This year I am even more sad to see it go, because it also means the end of my internship.  I wrapped up my time as Giles County VCE intern with a few fun events here and there including Agriculture Field Day at Kentland, a Giles/Bland Summer Beef Field Day, and Childfest at Pearisburg.  These events were fun ways to be involved with the Giles County community before school completely took over my life.

Face painting Iron Man at Childfest

Applying for this internship was almost by chance.  To me, internships were always something that undergraduates were supposed to do, not someone who recently graduated.  I decided to go for it.  You might not hear this often, but I was lucky that I was turned down at two different county offices before I received an offer from Giles.  Cora and Jeannie took a chance on me, and I'm sure glad they did!  Although I have a diploma in hand, I still am not 100% set on what exact career the future has in store for me, but this internship has given me a few steps in the right direction.  Working in Giles has given me a renewed respect and appreciation of VCE and its services.  Working with Cora and Jeannie helped me to build myself as an individual while having a great time, and to them I am forever grateful.

With graduate school in full swing, I miss working in Giles more than ever.  But like Jeannie has told me several times "An education is never wasted."  That, along with many words of advice and strategies I learned from my unit agents, will help me to trek through this whirlwind of a program.   It will help me as I student teach, but more importantly it will help me if I become an extension agent.  Before this internship I was not very sure if I would like to be one, but now I would love to be!  I'll try to keep working hard and hopefully my education and opportunities will lead me down a path filled with agriculture and community development.  Growing in Giles as the VCE intern has been one of the best choices of my life and I encourage any college student to become an intern, especially in Giles.

Beautiful view from Triple R Farms during the Beef Field Day

Thank you for following my adventures in Giles!  I hope you enjoyed learning about Giles County and Virginia Cooperative Extension.  I encourage you to become involved in your local agency and support your county agents.

Outdoor Adventure is Putting it Lightly...

Before and after my summer school session, I got to help with the 4-H Outdoor Adventure Day Camps.  We had great campers both weeks, many who I had gotten to know through Agriculture Camp.  Not only was the camp an adventure and learning experience for the kids, it was for me as well!

As we all know, the weather has been a bit crazy this summer, particularly with rain.  Making adjustments to activities happened nearly on a daily basis for both weeks of camp.  For anyone who works with program planning, this is a key skill to gain.  It involves creativity and awareness of your community.  Therefore, Cora was able to keep Outdoor Adventure...outdoors.  This experience showed me first-hand how "the show must go on" and I am very appreciative to Cora for giving me that insight.

Throughout both weeks we hiked, kayaked, fished, and swam throughout the county.  While conducting these activities, the students got to visit treasured sites or discovered new ones.  I know I personally would not have learned about all the wonderful, natural and free excursions that Giles has.  Any Virginia Tech student knows about the Cascades, but not so many can say they have hiked War Spur and taken kids fishing at Glen Alton.  The campers also learned about wildlife, fishing techniques, and watersheds.

Hanging out off the War Spur Trail during Camp #1

Kayaking with Outdoor Adventure Camp has been a bumpy road for me.  Before camp I had kayaked once before with my dear friend Marge in a bay in Malaysia.  That was a fun, stress-free experience so I really did not think twice about kayaking with the campers down Walker's Creek.  Because the water was too wild from all the rain, the first camp did not kayak the New River.  We discovered the bad things about creeks are all the rocks and the small width of the body of water.  This resulted in camper after camper getting stuck on rocks.  Right and left I kept having to get them unstuck, and eventually got stuck myself...until one of the kayaks collided with mine sending it downstream with me, the kids, and the other kayak stuck.  With help from Cora, we made it to the bank and the other campers helped us get our kayaks back.  But at that point, we needed to pack up and go home, even though we never made it to our final destination.

While loading the kayaks, one of the campers was being very helpful and assisting me.  With my track record for that day, it makes complete sense that the kayak would bounce up and hit the camper in the eye.  She was fine, but I sure felt terrible.  When another camper told me: "It's your fault that everyone got stuck and we had to go home." I officially decided that I did not like kayaking, and questioned my ability to work with kids.  Luckily, Cora assured me that sometimes things go wrong, but it's how you react to them is what matters.  From her perspective, I dealt with the situation fine and that everything was going to be ok.

The beginning to a successful kayaking trip with Camp #2 
Then came Outdoor Adventure Camp #2.  Like the first, we did hiking and fishing...and kayaking.  This time we were going to be on the river.  I was so nervous, especially since the waters were still high-ish.  Turns out, it made the trip easier and better because what "rapids" we would have hit normally, were barely there.  I am glad that I overcame my nervousness to kayak again.  I had a great time and the kids were awesome!  Like any career, I will have some days that seem like the worst day ever at the time, like my initial camp kayak experience.  What I gained from this opportunity is to learn from those situations, how to better handle it next time and to not give up.  If I had given up, I would still be terrified to kayak again.  The best part of the second go round was not me getting over my fear though, it was the campers who had a great time trying something new, or getting over their own fears.  I know that I am the adult, but I learned so much from the campers.  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Got Camp? Agriculture Day Camp!

Following the first week of camp (Cloverbud) Jeannie and I ran the Agriculture Camp.  We began the week learning about horticulture, greenhouses, and direct-marketing at the Green Market, run by Pembroke resident Mr. Ron Holdren.  Ron is a Virginia 4-H All Star, the highest honor a 4-H member can receive.  We had a great time looking around his greenhouses and learning about his business.  Not only does he sell from Pembroke, but he is also a vendor at the Blacksburg Farmers Market.  Ron really made our day when he gave the campers many different types of plants for the campers to pot at the end of the day and take home!
Ron shows campers around his greenhouses

The rest of Agriculture Camp was spent over in Blacksburg visiting several of the agriculture facilities.  Wednesday was spent at the Kentland College Farm.  There Jeannie began lessons on soil, by taking us to a soil pit to learn about soil horizons.  Mr. Dwight Paulette, the farm coordinator, showed us around and gave us a historical tour of Kentland.  At the College Farm there are many different types of research, from silvopasture to crop production.  As a part of our visit, we got to take a look how remote controlled airplanes contribute to agricultural research at Kentland.  Oni, a graduate student, explained to us how the airplanes capture samples from the air that contain fungi, molds, viruses, and bacteria that can contaminate crops.  We even got to practice flying planes in their computer model and watch an actual plane fly!  We finished off our first day at Kentland with yummy "dirt cups."
Campers got to practice their piloting skills with Oni at Kentland

Thursday was my and Jeannie's favorite day, livestock and dairy!  We did a self tour of the livestock and dairy facilities at Virginia Tech.  During the livestock tours, Jeannie taught the campers about different breeds of cattle and horse and how they are shown.  Campers got to a hands-on experience with the equipment used for the animals, including walking through a cattle chute!  From the livestock facilities, we traveled across 460 to the dairy.  Manager Shane Brannock showed us the milking parlor, the milk tank room, and the free-stall barn where the milking cows eat and sleep.  Shane also talked about the silage that the cows eat.  The corn for the silage is grown at Kentland Farms.  Barry, one of the assistant managers, showed us the calf barn and the automatic feeders.  Automatic calf feeders are a newer technology to the dairy industry.  The feeder identifies each calf and mixes up the specific amount of milk-replacer for that individual.  This is great time and calf management tool.

We wrapped up the week by visiting the Farms and Fields project at Kentland.  This time, the raspberries were ready for picking in the demonstration plot, and each of us got our fair share of berries!  We also got to help the farm crew bundle and hang garlic that had recently been picked!
Hailey and Jeannie bundle garlic at Farms and Fields
Agriculture camp was a great opportunity for youth to learn about where their food comes from.  From plants to animals, they were able to see and feel the industry that feeds and clothes us.  By having the students work, by planting or picking, they were able to reap the sweet results of their hard work.  I know they had just as much fun as me and Jeannie; but my true hope is that they came to respect the field of agriculture and continue to be informed consumers and maybe agriculturalists themselves one day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fair Time!

During the home-stretch of my first semester of graduate school, I got to have weekend of Newport Fair activities.  This was my second time visiting the fair, so I was really excited to visit again!  The Newport Fair is Virginia's oldest agricultural fair, so how appropriate it was that I helped with the livestock show.

I arrived at the barns to see lambs and a few goats and chickens.  The kids were decked out in their colorful plaid shirts and blingin' belts, something that us dairy show kids, who were required to wear all white, never had the pleasure of wearing.  My biggest contribution to the show was getting the prize money ready and being a copying machine for the classes with my old Giles FFA friends Alisha and Katheryn.  It was great to catch up with them while watching the wee-ones show the critters.

We did run into a snag when it came to judging the chickens.  Although I have some poultry judging in my past, judging rooster-hen pairs was not a part of any contest I did.  It just so happens that the only class I had more than one contestant in was the pairs.  The two pairs were different breeds as well.  The judge for the show was more specialized in livestock, not poultry, so the job of placing them landed on me and Jeannie.  After some creative brainstorming, Jeannie decided to place them into "small breed pairs" and "large breed pairs" so that way, all were winners and no one got to blame the intern...more than necessary.

Toward the end of the show I got to announce the participants in the "costume contest" portion of the show.  It was extra cute because of Jeannie's son, Layton participating along with the goats!  Following the overload of cuteness, we had a nice potluck behind the barn for the participants and their families.  It was a tasty way to wrap up the show and avoid overpriced fair-food.  Even though I missed the horse-pull due to clean-up, I enjoyed the rest of my evening by hanging out with a few friends.
Layton and his lamb, Wesley
(photo by Jeannie)
Bright an early on Sunday, we came back to clean up the grounds.  Never in my life have I more appreciated janitors and grounds-keepers.  People are disgusting.  But we got the grounds cleaned and raised some money for 4-H in the process!

It's been years since I've attended any fair, so being a part of Newport brought me back to my youth.  I loved seeing the 4-H er's hard work paying off.  At the same time, they made friends and saw old ones.  I had expressed my excitement for the Newport Fair for a while, and many Giles County friends wondered why.  "It's really small," they would say.  The Newport Fair celebrates heritage,community, and agriculture things that I love to see anywhere, especially rural southwest Virginia.  This event gave me a fun and relaxing way to appreciate the simplier yet important things in life.

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Or not...

When I first began my internship with Giles Cooperative Extension, Cora gave me a project: Pumpkin Planting Day.  In the past, Pumpkin Planting was an opportunity for children in the community to come to the office, learn about pumpkins, go outside and plant some, then go home with seeds of their very own and complete a 4-H Pumpkin Project Book.  I was nervous to take over a project that had been several years in the running, but also excited to hold a community event.  We picked a date in the middle of June, good for planting pumpkins.

So I began by reviewing projects books from the past and doing more research on pumpkins.  I then edited and started adding my own personal touches to the workbooks and flyers.  After a few weeks of getting the word out (even going out and delivering flyers around the county) and preparing the plots and material the day had finally arrived.  Six PM rolled around (the time scheduled) one was there.  A few minutes later, one very active 4-H member shows up.  He had attended pumpkin planting last year and was active on his family's farm.  No one else showed up, and participating in an event alone is no fun.  So we sent him home with some seeds and decided to re-schedule.

Due to the schedule, and getting the word out (again) we had to wait until late July.  Late July is the tail-end of the pumpkin planting season, but it was what we had to work with.  I re-edited the flyers, and e-mails, and re-weeded the plots with Cora.  I spent another day delivering the flyers, which also happened to coincide with the recent heavy rains we have been having the past several weeks.  Finally, the re-scheduled date arrived.  We had finished up a day of Day Camp and were ready for some pumpkin planting.  Six PM, and no one is there.  We waited fifteen minutes and still no one arrived.

I felt terrible for wasting resources for the Pumpkin Day.  I was sad that after two tries no one came to the event.  Cora gave me some advice: "Don't take it personally."  Sometimes even if a lot of work goes into an event, people don't come.  How could I have reached out better?  How could I make it more appealing?  These are all questions I asked myself after the no-show.  One thing I have learned from this experience is that even though kids have more free time in the summer, that doesn't mean that they will be more likely to attend events.  A lot of this depends on the parents and their availability, something that I had not considered as much before.

Although, I wish I was proudly blogging about the success of the Pumpkin Planting Day, I will consider it a success in another way.  Instead of being upset and mad, I will take this as an opportunity to learn and do better on future projects in whatever field I am in.
The before and after weeding of the pumpkin plots

At least weeding was a good stress reliever...

Youth and Community Involvement

While in the extension office I have had the opportunity to participate in several of the 4-H club activities and other events in the community.  It has been a long time since I was involved in 4-H clubs and community activities so it was great to see what other possibilities there are for 4-H youth.

With extension, I was able to be a part of Pearisburg Festival in the Park several weekends ago.  By attending planning meetings with Cora I was able to network with community members who were not necessarily in agriculture, which I have done by working with Jeannie.  It also gave me insight on how planning for community programs and events works.  There is so much that attendees of events take for granted that goes on behind the scenes.  During the event I help with traffic control during the inaugural 5K for the festival.  I hope that maybe next year I can be around to participate!  During the festival I helped set up and man the booth for the Ag Explorers Club.  I got to meet some of the members and parents, the adult volunteer Kelly, and some cute critters!
My new friend at Pearisburg Festival in the Park
I also tagged along for the Rich Creek June meeting.  Although the turn out was small, it was fun getting to know some of the older 4-H members after my first day with 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp.  Even more exciting for me was that the topic was June is Dairy Month and I was able to talk about my favorite agriculture industry!  Since then, I have done the educational program for the Ag Explorers meeting for July on beef cattle, and will be attending the July Rich Creek meeting tonight.

Another aspect of youth development that I got to participate in was a livestock judging trip to Augusta County.  The 4-H/FFA Livestock judging team got some great live practice at different farms.  I even got to brush up on my own judging skills...which are still in need of some work.
The three little pigs

My classes for graduate school started today, so my time working with extension will be limited.  I am really looking forward to helping with the Newport Agricultural Fair next month!  Newport is Virginia's oldest agricultural fair and will be a fun break from the busy class schedule.

I know my posts have been far and few between, but look out for some posts about 4-H Day Camps soon!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just Another Learning Experience: 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp

Internships are all about learning and real-life experience while being out of your comfort zone.  While assisting with 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp, I had all of those aspects.  Not having much experience with very young youth I was nervous to work with Camp, even though I was mostly helping supervise instead of facilitating.

Robyn shows the campers chive to pick

For day camp we had ten youth, ages 5-8 for a week.  Each day had a different focus on topics that they have/will study in school and can also be a part of 4-H curriculum.  The first day was about geology where we went to Whitt-Riverbend Park in Pembroke.  There, we went on a trail walk and learned about the different types of rocks and their uses.  Day two was a real treat because we got to tube down the New River at the New River's Edge.  Following that the students learned about watersheds and how runoff and pollution affect water through hands-on models.  Wednesday was my turn to facilitate the activities.  We visited Virginia Tech's Farms and Fields project at Kentland.  Robyn and Alison, farmhands, showed the students around.  Robyn led the students through the demonstration plot where they were able to pick mint, chive, and raspberries, among other things.  Alison finished the tour of the actual plots and then let the students be farmers for a day and plant a row of corn.  In the afternoon we learned about Virginia agriculture through VA agriculture maps.  Even though it stormed something crazy, we didn't let that stop us from making delicious homemade ice cream!  Thursday's topic was on citizenship.  Ken Vittum, the Pearisburg town manager along with a town police officer taught the campers how a town council works and duties of an officer to protect the public.  They had a nice surprise for us and allowed the kids to explore a police car and the town digger!  We wrapped up citizenship day with a little history lesson and GPS exercise by hiking up to Pearis Cemetery.  The week ended with a lesson on financial management after visiting Dismal Falls.

Pearisburg officer and the students with the police car
I'll be honest, day one was a shocker.  A handful of young kids running around is not my normal environment.  After the initial shock, as the week passed my observations helped me to be a better chaperon and facilitator.  The kids grew on me and I gained a better understanding of how they learn and play.  There are still plenty of areas of youth program management that I could really work on.  Effective discipline was and still is the biggest hurdle for me when it comes to young children.  From this week, it did concrete the concept of establishing rules and always enforcing them.  During my facilitation time when I upheld my rules about interrupting, the lesson went better.  I really hope that I can take my experience from Day Camp into the classroom or wherever I may end up.  This opportunity made me further value in experience for education, because the books can only tell you so much.

Keep following for more of my learning and self growth experiences in Giles VCE!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"I Love Everything That is Old - Old Friends, Old Times, Old Manners, Old Books, Old Wine." - Oliver Goldsmith

Like many a college student, I started off strong with my "homework" and then began to lag a bit.  Please bear with me as I catch back up on my blogging and bring you a quality view of my internship experience.

"I Love Everything That is Old - Old Friends, Old Times, Old Manners, Old Books, Old Wine." 
- Oliver Goldsmith

I chose to use this quote as my title because I do love all these things, but more so because of wine.  Here in the past two weeks especially, I have seen firsthand the growing Virginia wine industry and how Giles will play a part in it.
A beautiful view at Glen Manor

For two days Jeannie and I participated in an in-service training in the Shenandoah Valley on viticulture.  The first day was part of the Virginia Vineyards Association Summer Technical meeting on "Steep Terrain Grape Growing."  After touring Glen Manor Vineyards where we also learned about soil mapping and equipment safety.  We wrapped up the night with a super-fun dinner social at Rappahannock Cellars complete with bluegrass, flat-footin', and of course wine!  The next day we learned about more technical aspects to growing grapes in the Commonwealth.  One of the neatest things we gained for producer members included learning how to evaluate canopy of the vines.  Evaluating the vines can let producers know more accurately how well their crop is doing.

Tony Wolf teaches ANR agents how to do canopy assessment

A few days later back in Giles, I had the opportunity to participate in a joint meeting between the New River Valley Grape Growers and stakeholders of the RFID Grant for tri-counties (which is mentioned in previous blogs).  Not only did I get some great food from The Bank restaurant of Pearisburg, but I became more aware of the current involvement and interest of viticulture in Giles county.  Giles has steep and rocky soils, which at first glance seem to be only good for lumber and some grazing.  Now that the demand for Virginia wines is increasing, yet the current land area dedicated to grape production is stagnant, Giles land can have an alternative use.  Grapes do not need what would be considered fertile soil and must be well drained.  They can also grow at higher elevations.  All of these characteristics describe Giles land.  Giles not only has the land resources for grape production, but the interest to fill the need and also build the community through a value-added agriculture.  During the meeting, it was so exciting to see the future of Virginia agriculture unfold in front of me as producers and state government discussed the opportunities for Giles viticulture.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Just Another Day at the Office...

Well, we didn't get to go sheep pruning.  If you are unaware, when I say sheep pruning I actually mean sheep shearing.  It was an inside joke, which I feel like will be commonplace during this internship.Anyway, I had plenty of stuff to work on since sheep pruning didn't work out.

Dr. Whittier shows us different needle sizes

Like I mentioned during my last post, I continued with the Livestock and Forages in-service.  Early on Wednesday morning, those of us looking to become BQA certified did our chute-side training with Dr. Dee Whittier.  He showed us proper techniques for moving cattle in a pen and into a chute.  These techniques are to not only reduce stress in the animal, but for safety of the handler.  Following getting a steer into the headlock we were shown proper technique for giving subcutaneous shots (under the skin), intramuscular shots (in the muscle), and growth implants (in the ear).  We were able to practice the subcutaneous and intramuscular shots.  Even though I have given shots before, it's great to get a refresher and some practice.  Especially since because of BQA standards, shots should be given in the neck (in order to provide quality product and still adequately treat the animal) and that can be more difficult than the old-school approach to giving the shot in the rump.  Along with these demonstrations Dr. Whittier explained several things including the variety of needle sizes and when to choose which size.  Whenever possible, it is better to use a smaller needle size to reduce losing the injection and prevent infection.  I really enjoyed going through the BQA Train-the-Trainer process and look forward to using and teaching these techniques in the future!

Jeannie talks with a producer about his rye crop

Following the wrap-up of the in-service Jeannie and I headed back to the land of Giles and worked in the office.  I continued working on some of my projects. We wrapped up the day with a farm visit with Jeannie.  There is a producer that wanted his rye forage tested, and for her to look at his pasture.  We collected samples from the bales and also took soil samples for him as well.  He was really happy for us to visit and invited us to visit his cattle farm.

On Thursday, I mostly focused on the marketing of the Pumpkin Planting Workshop including the flyers, news article, and updating the Facebook page with an event. I also continued working on the bulletin board for outside the office, with June is Dairy Month theme.  Thursday was still an adjustment day, since I haven't spent much of my time so far working at a desk.  Since cooperative extension has a focus on community viability, Giles extension is participating with Pearisburg Festival in the Park next weekend.  I went with Cora to planning meeting for it at the end of the day.  I will be working the festival next Friday and Saturday, so it was good to understand what is going on behind the scenes.  

Friday, I became more adjusted to the office environment.  I finished up a few tasks for Cora, such as moving stuff for 4-H camp next week, picking up shirts (also for camp) in Christiansburg, and another news article.  I was really excited to see the bulletin board come together!  Surrounding the famous American Gothic photo (with one of the painter's quotes) are dairy farming facts relating to human nutrition, animal welfare, environmental impact, and food safety.  I hope that passer-byes enjoy and learn from the board.  Getting things checked off my to-do list for the office was a great way to end my first full week of work!
"All the good ideas I ever had, came to me while I was milking a cow." -Grant Wood

More and more I am getting to experience the variety of responsibilities of an extension agent.  From farm visits to news releases, there is so much to observe and learn.  It can be difficult to balance so many responsibilities, especially ones than can vary so much from each other. This is emphasizing the importance of organization, time-management, and team work.  By having all of these in the office, so much more stuff gets done.  I hope to keep learning from Jeannie and Cora about these valuable skills.

Thanks again for visiting and be ready for my adventures next week!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Off to a Great Start!

The first few days of my internship have been jam-packed with information, and plenty more to come!  Out of the five days I have worked, four have included in-service programs for Agriculture and Natural Resource Agents and the additional day, I conducted an after school program, along with an evening meeting with the community.  It didn't take me long to realize first-hand how diversified and busy extension agents are, and I've just seen the tip of the iceberg!

Joni Young-Torres of NC Extension shares with the group
The first two days of my internship were spent at The Inn at Virginia Tech for an in-service (extension agent training on a specific subject matter) about Community Gardening.  Although I have worked some with the Blacksburg Farmers Market with my Appalachian Studies minor, community gardening is a different approach to local food production.  During this in-service we did not focus as much on the actual production of food/flowers, but on the community aspect.  Although I would like to brush up on my gardening skills, learning about how to structure a community garden is very valuable.  Without the proper structure, the garden will fail even if the conditions are perfect for growth.  I found the different resources, such as asset mapping, can be applied to many agricultural projects in communities.  I really enjoyed these programs because they combined my passions for agriculture production, education, community, and culture.

Jeannie, Kate, and I show off our creative sides during the Community Gardening in-service training

Following the second day of in-service, Cora and Jeannie conducted a vision meeting for the community about potential development of agritourism/agribusiness.  Giles, along with Pulaski and Montgomery, extension are working together to help provide future and build current opportunities in agriculture.  There was a variety of citizens that participated in the meeting.  Vegetable, cattle, sheep, and produce farmers along with government officials and interested consumers shared their hopes and concerns for this type of community development.  It was really great to participate in this meeting, because Giles (very similar to my hometown of Floyd) has become a part of my own sense of community.  I look forward to seeing what comes out of this brainstorm and how it impacts the community.

I wrapped up my first week of work by planning and conducting a 4-H after school program, with the guidance of Cora.  Cora had been conducting an after school pilot program with a small group of 4th and 5th graders on Fridays.  For the last program, I did activities to get the students thinking about finances.  We began by identifying parts of the 1 dollar bill .  Our second activity was about their personal value of objects, and we wrapped up with how price effects their value of those objects.  Cora introduced me to the 4-H model of learning, which I tried to incorporate into my lesson.  It was very similar to how I like to conduct workshops, but more structured.  Although I had a great time with the students and I felt that it went pretty well, I would like to work harder to incorporate this model.  It really stresses taking smaller steps in order to help students eventually apply the information from the workshop.  As a future teacher or extension agent, making information applicable is what I live for.
Starting off the after school program with some money jokes

I began my first full week of work with some office time and another in-service.  After organizing and typing the notes from the vision meetings for Giles and Pulaski (I will be attending the Montgomery meeting later this week), I went with Jeannie to the Animal Science in-service at the Alphin-Stuart Arena.  For the past two days I have learned about forage pasture management, horse and livestock youth programming, and additional cattle care.  I am most excited about becoming Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) "Train the Trainer" certified.  BQA is a standard of cattle handling and management practices that ensures safe and wholesome products for consumers.  Having this certification will be a great teaching tool in future and will help me to be a better cattle producer on my family's farm.

I have to get up a bit earlier tomorrow to do the required chute-side training that is a part of BQA certification, but I would like to reflect on my recent experiences.  I am the kind of person that I love structure in a work environment, but I also like working with, and helping people.  With extension, there is structure, but in order to fit the needs of those you serve you have to be very flexible.  During this internship I hope to gain more confidence in my ability to be more flexible in order to better serve others.  In the short period of time I have been with extension agents from all over, I continue to value the power of friendships and networking.  The folks that I have met so far are wonderful people and great resources.  The public expects a lot out of agents, and they can only do so much.  But with the help of their fellow agents, they can meet the needs of their communities and more!  I hope that I can one day be as great of a resource as them.

Thanks again for checking out my blog!  Keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming adventures...including "sheep pruning."

Friday, May 31, 2013

Giles + VCE = Internship!

Hello All!

Welcome to my second blog, once again pertaining to another agricultural adventure.  This time, I am fortunate enough to have an internship with the Giles County Virginia Cooperative Extension office.  For this internship I will be working with Jeannie Layton-Dudding and Cora Gnegy, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, and 4-H Agent and Unit Director, respectively.  Under their guidance, I will learn about the Virginia Cooperative Extension program while building skills such as communication, leadership, and management.  All while doing this, I will be helping with community development, which is one of my passions, through extension programs.
Giles County is located just left of the star

I have already had a great time over the past three days (which I will blog about later) and am looking forward to the rest of the experience!  Keep following!